March 8, 2011

Celebrate The BIRTHDAYS!

like i told you before in my last post, my sister and my mom had their birthday. the date difference is just about a week (Feb 26th and Mar 4th). so mom and dad decided to celebrate it together after my mom's birthday at March, 6th :) unfortunately, my brother didnt come with us.

well, first my mom wanna have dinner in bandar jakarta, ancol. but because the situation wasnt really precisely well (we left home at 7 pm + traffic), so my sister gave an idea to go to Rustique at Plaza Senayan.

then around 8 30 pm we arrived there. we ordered tenderloin steak and coke for dad, spaghetti (seafood bla bla something) and mineral water for mom, caesar salad + mineral water for my sister, and me? ragotoni bla bla i forgot and coffee late. YUM!

while we were waiting for the foods, we had a little photo session hehe. and my sister was given a present from my grandmother, a very special present (it's special because it's from the only grandma that we have, and the money is from her own crops in the village, + every 23-25 girls in my family have the same present when their 20s age birthday. ♥ you grandma :*)

♥ mom and dad ♥
the gold bracelet from grandma, lovely :*

breadsticks (dikasih sebelum makanan dateng, for freeee!! :D)
coffee latte
spaghetti seafood lalala
tenderloin steak, YUM!
caesar salad! (beef baconnya juara!)
mine, ragotoni lalala :D
FAMILY!!! (miss 1 brother :P)

PS. love it here, love it with family! :D (just miss 1 brother here heheh)

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