July 4, 2009

purple dress

i love the dress [i'm loving it] :)

mauuuuuu hehe

How dare you wear a robe to preside
How dare you cover your head to hide
Your face from God
How dare you smile from behind your beard
To hide the fact your heart's afeared,
And wave your rod
How dare you be the one to assess
Me, in this God-forsaken mess
You, a man, in a purple dress
A man in a purple dress

THE WHO - a man in a purple dress


Nadia Sabrina said...

iya bgs bgt ya bajunya po, gw juga iri

aldo said...

suka lagu nya the who juga ya?

Putri Maulia said...

hahahha aku mau bikin nih nini, haha
asiiik kapan kapan hahaha

haha ga ko sayang, aku search aja di google lyric yg pas ahaha