September 27, 2009

titanic 3D

katanya ada titanic 3D ya? wiii klo emang beneran ada seru pasti :) lovely.

check this out

September 23, 2009

connie Talbot - 6 years old - whoaw voice

funny commercial


time : 9 pm teng
status : haven't married yet
doing : playing pet society

listening to : everytime i closed my eyes - baby face (muka babi)have you eaten : not yet
your left : winnie the pooh and his couch
your right : air conditioner remote
front : mac
behind : door to the balcony
i am looking at : screen

where have you been for this holiday : home, gading, sency, PS, GI, gn salakwhat have you bought this holiday : top, pulse, wallet, body shops, infra board, spidol OHP, sticker carton
PS. baru aje gw balik dari gn salak udah bosen lagi haha

September 19, 2009

happy lebaran day

"selamat lebaran 1430 H"

semoga kita semua mendapat berkat(h) dan rahmat-Nya
amin ya robbal'alamin

PS. taun ini gw ga kemane mane, bosyan. oie bagi yang gw ga bales sms nya ataupun ga gw sms sama sekali maaf ya, hp gw rusak--layarnya putih total

September 18, 2009

life genre

movie is taken from a 'little' part (we called it, scene) of our life. every movies has genre, we called as movie genre. science fiction, documentary, politic lalala, horror, thriller, romantic drama, romantic comedy, or even 'pure' comedy (without any romantic in it).

and so i was just wondering
"what will my life genre be?"
(anjrit error banget bahasa gw wahaha)

yes, i have decided it

drama, romantic, comedy

so common haha ah biarin lah :)

September 5, 2009

as wise as a 'white' owl

i found this cute picture of an owl, so ♡ly

marc jacobs - gay and talented

PS. bagus juga cowo pake rok + clutch :D

last chance harvey

mau dong klo udah tua tetep lucu kaya gini hahaha

yesterday i watched "Last Chance Harvey" movie, and i it sooo much much much. it's almost like a modern drama romantic. i think it's great to make a love story between old people, it has more chemistry. :D . and the same as all of movie, it also has some moral (lesson) in it. and and and.. i all of the soundtrack, especially the opening titles haha.

take your CHANCE
make it HAPPEN

PS. the movie was so sad haha and the stars was so great (yaiyalah ya haha wong pernah menang oscar oscar an)

September 3, 2009


lalala gw ga tau mau ngomomg apa. yang jelas kemaren gempa (katanya). terus si risma bilang dia denger dimana gitu, klo kaca LV di GI pecah. horeee. canda. dan dimanakah gw saat itu?
ahaha. gw ampe ga kebangun, kebo abis.

PS. Ya Allah aku takut akan murkamu, jangan jadikan kiamat dimasaku Ya Allah. astagfirullah.